Ear Ringing Almost Ruined My Life
Until I Discovered This Simple Fix

I watched the doctor load up the giant syringe with a yellowish liquid…

At the end of it was a 6-inch needle…

And in another second, the doctor was going to plunge it directly into my eardrum…

On a scale of 1 to 10, the pain was a solid 30…

But when your entire existence is consumed by a search to end the loud, persistent buzzing noise in your ears...

You'll try almost anything.

Unfortunately, that needle didn’t do anything but reinforce my fear of needles…

Let me just say that I hope you NEVER have to go through what I did, because being diagnosed with tinnitus left me with little hope... nothing was working.

The day following, the agonizing ringing in my ears… in my head… only proceeded to get worse.

I was utterly hopeless, and at the time, I never would have imagined I would stumble on to a solution that DID work for me.

A solution SO incredibly simple, hiding in the least likely of places…

I was at a point in my life where I was certain I would stay a confined prisoner to the maddening ringing for the rest of my life…

  • For as long…
  • Or as short…
  • As it ended up being...

But I was wrong. There was a solution to my tinnitus. And I firmly believe it may have even saved my life…

And in the next few minutes, I’m going to show you how I fixed my tinnitus, once and for all.

And possibly, help end YOUR search for silence—for sweet peace and quiet…

I actually get a little choked up every time I think about it…


I’m not sure what my life would look like if I hadn’t made this discovery when I did…

There’s a good chance I’d be dead.

So please, whatever you’re doing right now, please make sure you pay attention.

Turn your phone on silent, close facebook and do whatever you need to do because I NEVER want you to have to go through what I did.

I can promise you, what you’re about to discover is SO much better than a syringe to the eardrum.

In fact it’s completely painless…

And takes less than 30 seconds a day…

I just wish someone shared this incredible solution with ME sooner…

Because, I spent almost 6 years wading through profound depression…

Every day was a fresh new hellish combination of insomnia, nausea, teeth grinding, pounding headaches, distracted thoughts, anger, hopelessness and anxiety.

I nearly lost my job AND my wife.

And no one. Not EVEN my family… was able to understand the hell people like you and I have to endure.

I think the worst part about living with that constant, intrusive ringing is that it’s invisible…

There’s no cast on your arm—no limp, no cough, no real way to measure its presence or how bad it is.

The constant burden of explaining my head noise… defending my sanity… and justifying my misery…to people who just don’t get it.

To people who thought I was making it up… or that I’d gone crazy.

You get to a point where you’ll literally try anything if a guy in a white coat with “MD” after his name suggests it…

Even if that means letting him plunge a 6-inch syringe, filled with testosterone, directly into your eardrum.

But the days passed… and then the weeks…

The incessant ringing in my ears was no better than it was 5 years, 10 months, 6 days and 2 hours earlier…

The moment when it “switched on” for the first time.

The life-changing moment when I went from a contently successful commercial real estate broker, a proud father and a loving husband…

To a desperate, depressed, anxious shell of a man…

Who would stop at nothing to snuff out the dizzying, frustrating – no… infuriating – all-consuming, ever-present problem with my ears.

You know how it is… it consumed every aspect of my being.

It was so loud—so intense—that even when I was driving on the interstate at 80mph…

With the radio all the way up…

It was still clear as day…

I spent nearly 6 years, thousands upon thousands of dollars and indescribable amounts of heartache, trauma, pain and disappointment…

I’ll be honest…

Taking my own life crossed my mind.

And it crossed my mind often…

More often than I’m comfortable admitting…

I am grateful every day for my wife—the most supportive and compassionate person on the entire planet…

And, of course, my beautiful little girl…

Who gave me a reason…

And made me promise…

NOT to give in to the “screaming monster”…

(that’s what my daughter called it – “daddy’s screaming monster”)

And that decision paid off in ways I can’t even begin to describe.

I finally discovered a 30-second solution that silenced the screaming monster… for good.

And I’ll share it with you in just a minute…

Because just a few weeks ago I could still hear it—like nails on a chalkboard…

So loud that, most days, the only way I knew my wife was talking to me was if she tapped me on the shoulder and I saw her lips moving…

Today, I can barely hear the ringing…

Unless I really concentrate.

It’s fading further and further away as I speak…

Today. As you’re watching me speak to you…

I finally have my life back…

Thanks to a 30-second… kindergarten-simple solution…

That I’ll share with you in just a few minutes.

But let’s take a quick step back.

Hi, my name is Kevin Freeman.

I am not a doctor or a scientist. I’m not even a researcher…at least not in the conventional sense.

I’m a 46 year old commercial real estate broker.

I recorded this presentation because until a few short weeks ago… my life was a living hell.

But now, I’ve reclaimed my life, and it is better than it has ever been.

I have my life back.

Because I found the one thing on God’s green earth to stop the “screaming monster” that had me on the brink of wanting to end my own life.

I mean, I went from absolute rock bottom, to feeling like I’m truly LIVING for the first time in 6 years.

And I want to share how I got here…

Because I do not want anyone to have to suffer like I did.

And by the time you finish watching this presentation…

You’ll understand why even the neighbor’s dog waking me up at 6 in the morning is now a welcome sound to my “brand new ears”.

Today I’m going to show you how I freed myself from the daily, infuriating, un-ending mental torment.

And the feeling of being defeated. Of not being heard or understood.

The feeling of being dismissed and being told you’re just over-reacting.

All of that went away for good with the help of one 30-second solution that I discovered completely by accident…

As I mentioned, my journey to stumbling onto this godsend of a solution started about…

5 years, 10 months, three weeks, 6 days and…

2 hours ago.

I was just sitting in my office working on a proposal for some new office spaces opening downtown.

I was stressed out and on a hard deadline. But that’s pretty common for me…

There was nothing even remotely out of the ordinary about that day…

Until, mid-thought, the sound just switched on out of nowhere.

I know for some people, the issues start coming on gradually.

But not me.

The sound was like one of those old-school steam locomotives…

Like you see in the movies, screeching to a halt…

But louder.

I was completely freaked out. Was I having a stroke?

Panic set in.

Panic like I’d never experienced in my life.

I tried to convince myself that it was just a combination of too much coffee, too much stress…

And too many crappy nights of sleep…

Finally catching up with me…

But then it just never stopped.

I was up all night that night. Almost inconsolable.

My wife ended up sleeping on the couch…

I was able to get in to see my doctor the next morning.

But that was just a disaster. He didn’t even try to reassure me…

He just said there’s nothing you can do—it’ll go away by itself.

Now I was really freaked out and my anxiety went through the roof.

But, he said, if you’re really that worried, you can go see my colleague Dr. Raucher—he’s an audiologist.

Well, over the next several weeks I saw THREE more doctors…

Dr. Raucher microsuctioned my ears.

He told me I had a build-up of ear wax and that’s what was causing the noise.

So he microsuctioned it out… and it didn’t make a lick of difference.

The Ear, Nose and Throat clinic said they can’t help me until I’ve had the condition for at least 3 months...

But the neurologist actually gave me a glimmer of hope…

Now, since the beginning of all this, I’ve spoken to dozens—probably hundreds—of fellow people suffering just like you are.

And, overwhelmingly, their experience has been that most doctors are just dismissive.

But my neurologist wasn’t. He listened.

He asked questions about the type of sound and how loud it is…

He asked if it was low or high pitched…

He even played me some recordings of sounds so I could identify the ones that sounded the most like the ones in my head…

He would nod and “hmm” thoughtfully at my answers.

I was sure I’d finally come to the right place. And it was just in time too.

In just those few weeks, I’d lost 11 pounds.

My anxiety was so bad, I couldn’t eat. I wasn’t sleeping.

All I could I focus on was the never-ending ringing and screeching in my ears.

I started having daily panic attacks… which only made the prospect of sleep worse.

Gosh, I’d heard of people getting this before, but I never in a million years imagined it could be so life-consuming.

I’m sure you know what I’m talking about—because if you’ve made it this far,

you’re dealing with the same problem I was, and you’re desperate to make it stop.

In fact, you might be experiencing these exact same feelings right now.

Where you feel like you’re finally about to get the news you’ve been praying for…

The solution you’ve been dying for…

And the sweet solace you so desperately crave.

Well, the doctor comes back into my exam room…

“I have good news,” he said…

“…there’s nothing wrong with your ears.”

At that moment, I wanted to strangle him.

But then he went on to explain what we do know.

You see, it really doesn’t have anything to do with your ears. It has a lot more to do with how your brain processes sound signals.

Your brain is basically a complex mass of “electrical wires” called neurons—about 100 billion of them.

To put that into context, there are about 7 and a half billion people on the planet.

That means you have more than 13 times more brain cells than there are people on the planet.

Crazy, right?

So, as I understood it, based on what the neurologist told me…

This condition is a little like trying to listen music on an old busted radio…

Your ears detect and collect the sound…

Like the antenna on that radio.

But it’s your brain that turns them into electrical signals and interprets them as what you and I know as sounds…

Car horns, dogs barking, your kid laughing… Frank Sinatra singing...

So dealing with this is not about fixing your ears—or your antenna, so to speak…

It’s about the wiring inside the radio. Which, in this case, is your brain.

It’s not the antenna’s fault.

It’s that the radio is turning the signal into noisy, obnoxious static…

I did appreciate the deeper understanding of my problem.

But if I wanted a bio lesson, I would have paid more attention in 9th grade...

What I NEEDED was a solution.

And at that point, I was no closer to one.

But… you are.

You’re just a few minutes away from learning how you can help protect, maintain proper ear health,

and see how I was able to help bring horrible situation, back to the same level it was before this whole ordeal started.

It doesn’t matter if you’ve had it for two minutes, two years or twenty years…

Because what I’m about to show you, changed my life, and may end up changing yours too.

In matter of weeks, I was able to stand in the middle of a quiet room

surrounded by nothing more than the sounds of my own breathing.

And I want you to have the same experience.

Imagine being able to enjoy dinner in a crowded restaurant again…

Concerts… movies…

Just think about what it would feel like to sleep through the night again…

Knowing that you won’t wake up every morning to the nightmare that is ringing, buzzing, hissing or chirping.

But I want to share my story so you don’t fall into any of the frustrating pitfalls, false hopes and BS “solutions” that I did…

Because, as I’m sure you already know, this problem doesn’t JUST destroy your own life, your own peace and sense of happiness…

It affects everyone around us too.

So many of us are unable to work—at least not at the same caliber we used to…

It’s hard not to get cranky, moody and irritable… relationships with friends, family and partners all start to feel strained…

And how many times have you felt like people assume you’re making a big deal out of nothing?

Well I KNOW that the agony of over-powering, never ceasing sounds in your head cannot be overstated.

And if you’re anything like me, you’ve probably spent SO much energy down-playing how you feel…

Just to live a semi-normal life.

But I wanted to live a FULLY normal life and I wasn’t going to settle for anything less.

If the medical establishment wasn’t going to provide me with any answers,

I knew that the only way I’d ever get back to normal…

Was to do the research myself.

And it took me YEARS. Literally years.

Only to come up empty-handed, time and time again.

A journey that took me through all of the weirdest fringes of science…

AND pseudoscience, if I’m being honest.

I found some really far out stuff.

A journey that took me through all of the weirdest fringes of science…

AND pseudoscience, if I’m being honest.

I found some really far out stuff.

Some of it dating as far back as Ancient Egypt.

Like, one article talked about an ancient Roman Scholar named Pliny the Elder…

He treated this condition by boiling earthworms in goose fat and stuffing that in the patient’s ear.

That same article mentioned a Welsh manuscript from the 14th century…

It recommends taking a hot loaf of bread out of the oven, tearing it in half and holding it over your ears.

“Bind and thus produce perspiration, and by the help of God you will be cured,” it reads.

I didn’t try earthworms… and I didn’t try hot bread…

But I did try something called habituation…

I learned about it from an online forum that said something like…

“Millions of people around the world deal with this reality daily. But I want to be very clear: If you are suffering from this condition, there is so much hope!”

Have you heard of habituation?

It’s a “mental process” that allows you to stop these annoying sounds from bothering you entirely…

Where you teach your brain to just stop paying attention to it… and the noise magically fades from your awareness.

“Are you kidding?” I thought…

If you’re thinking, “my ringing is too loud—I could never ignore something this horrible…”

You couldn’t be more right.

The training went on to say, “…in simple terms, this means changing the way you react to the sound emotionally, psychologically, and physiologically…

When it stops bothering you, you will stop paying attention to the sound.”

Well sure.

Just stop paying attention to the sound of nails on a chalkboard played through the speakers of a concert arena.

Problem solved. Thanks…

There are similar forms of this so-called treatment called Retraining Therapy and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.

THEIR solution?

Just forget about it. Pretend like you don’t care and it’ll go away…

Like that annoying kid who sat behind me in 3rd grade math class.

Of course it didn’t work for me. And it probably won’t work for you.

One of my doctors suggested an anti-depressant and an anti-anxiety medication.

I mean, for obvious reasons.

The foundation of what was once a happy, successful life and future were crumbling in around me.

All I knew were depression and anxiety.

But there’s pretty strong evidence that both depression and anxiety can make the ringing worse.

So, I gave the drugs a chance…

And they did help my mood a little bit.

But they didn’t do anything for my problem.

In fact, I felt like they made it even worse…

So when I came across an article from the Mayo Clinic that confirmed my suspicions: anti-depressants CAN actually make the ringing noises worse...

I stopped taking them.

I tried sleeping pills too… they helped me get a little more sleep.

But the dose I had to take was so high, I spent most of the day in a zombified stupor.

All I knew were depression and anxiety.

So, I gave the drugs a chance…

And they did help my mood a little bit.

But they didn’t do anything for my problem.

In fact, I felt like they made it even worse…

So when I came across an article from the Mayo Clinic that confirmed my suspicions: anti-depressants CAN actually make the ringing noises worse...

I stopped taking them.

I tried sleeping pills too… they helped me get a little more sleep.

But the dose I had to take was so high, I spent most of the day in a zombified stupor.

The next thing I tried was a hearing aid.

According to the American Tinnitus Association, the goal of a hearing aid is to raise the volume of external noises…

To the point that it covers up the sounds in your head.

The belief is that it’ll be harder to hear your tinnitus if your brain is focused on the loud ambient noises around you.

This was a $4500 experiment that completely failed.

If you’ve ever considered the idea that, having people scream… or honk their horn… or slam a door…

Right into your ear…

All the time…

Might help relieve your problems. Don’t.

It was a nightmare.

The only thing left, it seemed, was surgery.

I read about cochlear implants.

They’re these surgically implanted devices that restore the sensation of sound to deaf patients…

But they work on the same principal as hearing aids…

So. That was a no go.

Then I came across a story that really drove home what the neurologist said…

About how the solution isn’t about fixing your ears?

In 1981 researchers trying to cure tinnitus cut the auditory nerves in their patients.

The idea was, if you cut the nerve that connects the ear to the brain, the person WOULD go deaf…

But it would also end their incessant sound torture.

And, I don’t know about you. But to me it almost sounds like a fair trade-off.

Here’s the thing…

For more than half of those patients, it only made their problems worse!

I read this and immediately decided surgery of any kind was out of the question.

That was when I read about a doctor in Utah who was on the cutting edge of new treatments…

So, I made an appointment for a consultation, I booked the trip, hopped on a plane…

And that kinda brings us back to the beginning of the story…

With me, sitting in that chair…

And staring at the 6” needle that was about to plunge into my eardrum…

All I could think in that moment was, “any chance you’ve got some earthworms and goose fat? Because I haven’t ruled that out yet”.

Like every other doctor on the planet, he downplayed what I was about to experience by saying…

“You’re going to feel a little pinch…and then some discomfort”

And, like I mentioned earlier in this presentation, the word excruciating doesn’t even begin to describe the searing pain that shot clear-through my head…

Down my neck… and along my spine.

Of every murder scene in every horror movie I’ve ever watched, no man has ever made the sound that I made that day.

And, you know what?

The pain would have been 100% worth it…

If the treatment worked…

But it didn’t.

And it felt like the last straw.

I was living with daily panic attacks…

I still wasn’t sleeping…

I was depressed…

I’d lost about 30 pounds at this point.

I was several thousand dollars in debt—money wasted on false hopes and failed treatments.

I’d never considered suicide more deeply than I did in the weeks following the “ear needle”…

I spent a lot of time crying. I felt like I was failing as a man…

Failing as a husband…

And failing as a father…

And that’s why I’ll never forget the day I discovered a way that finally made it go away for me.

The day I actually felt the tension start to leave my back and release my shoulders…

The day the anxiety started to melt away…

The day the ringing started to almost magically get quieter…

A day that I want you to experience for yourself in as little as a few weeks from now.

The day that you reclaim YOUR life – as loud or as quiet as YOU want it to be.

The day when you can hear your kid whisper secrets in your ear…

The day you wake up to the sound of birds chirping…

Or rain on your window.

I want you to be able to sleep through the night and wake up fully refreshed and recharged.

I want you to experience all of the amazing things that I’ve been able to experience since I stumbled upon the most unlikely cures…

In one of the least likely of places.

I was having one of my worst days.

It was two in the afternoon and I was still in bed, under the covers, wide awake… and staring at the ceiling.

I’d spent a lot of the morning crying, as usual.

My wife walked into the bedroom and ORDERED me out of bed.

“Get up!”

No. I can’t. Why??

“Get up! Take a shower… shave your face… and put on some freaking clothes…

I’m not going to let you waste away like this – not another day…


I felt like it was the least I could do to humor her.

I mean, I felt lucky enough that I still had a wife who cared…

And she does care. I don’t know what I’d do without her…

She helped me scrape myself together and she took me on a walk down town…

We stopped into our favorite deli, got some sandwiches and ate them outside.

The ambient chatter and clamor of being in a crowded deli was more than I could stand.

We continued our walk and stopped in front of the new Japanese tea house that recently opened in a space that used to be a boutique shoe store…

One of my wife’s favorite shopping splurges.

So we went inside to check it out…

The place was filled with the rich scent of incense…

The shelves were filled with rows upon rows of large glass jars filled with various leaves, flowers, herbs and plant barks…

Each labeled in Japanese lettering with hard-to-pronounce English versions of the names beneath…

There were new agey mini rock gardens with trickling water…

Ambient music…

This was not my kinda place…

And, really, I’ve never been big on tea.

I’m more of a coffee guy…

But I had to quit coffee because they say caffeine can make the buzzing, ringing and God forsaken wooshing noises even worse.

And if you’re a coffee person too, you know decaf tastes like dirt…

So, we walked up to the counter where we were met by a kind-looking Japanese woman named Shizu…

Which I later learned means silent in Japanese.

She slid a giant menu across the counter to us and asked what we would like…

They had green teas, black teas, white teas…

Oolong? What’s an oolong?

My wife ordered a large cup of chamomile…

Then Shizu looked at me waiting for my order.

She didn’t deserve my attitude, but I said…

“I don’t know what I want… do you have anything that’ll stop the ringing in my ears, relieve my anxiety, clear my head and let me sleep at night?”

And, rather than being taken aback…

Or giving me an equally snarky reply…

She simply smiled, nodded, and got to work brewing our teas.

The smell of my tea was nose wrinkling and pungent.

It was slightly sweet, mostly sour… and she told me to drink it while it was hot.

We took our teas to go and sipped them while we were walking home…

As I expected, the problems with my ears did not go away. I wasn’t upset, because at this point, I’ve already pretty much lost hope.

My wife did insist on us going back to grab tea here every few days,

partly to get me out of the house and help lift my spirit, and we kind of made this a ritual out of going there.

Then, after a few weeks, we were walking back from the Japanese tea house, cups of tea in hand like we always do..

When we walked in the door…

Something felt different…

Yet, somehow familiar.

I felt like I was somehow standing taller…

Because the tension in my back was starting to subside…

My shoulders were dropping a little further down from my ears…

I felt somehow sharper…

And the ringing in my ears was just slightly… yet noticeably quieter.

I could almost think straight.

The fog was lifting.

Then it hit me…

“She did it! She really did it!”

I was ecstatic.

“Who?” my wife asked “Did what?”

“Shizu! The tea lady. The ringing – I think it’s going away!”

I slept better that night than I had in almost six years.

But I woke up in the morning and the “screaming monster” was right back where it was…

Screaming that shrill ringing in my head the same as it had every other morning for what seemed like a lifetime.

But I was convinced that I was onto something.

And, later that morning, I went back to the tea shop to learn exactly what Shizu had made for me…

She wrote down the names of all of the herbs for me.

But she also gave me a big bag to take home…

She told me to soak the day’s dose in water for an hour, then simmer it for 30 minutes.

I had no good reason to think it would have any effect…

But I had hope.

More hope than I’d felt in what seemed like decades.

I wish I could tell you that the ringing instantly stopped…

But that’s not the truth.

I probably looked at the clock every hour, thinking

“Will this be the hour my life finally goes back to normal?”

And for two weeks or so… I drank the disgusting sour tea…

Every morning.

And the ringing continued… but with softer edges…

Then things really began improving…

A little more every day.

Until ringing was almost more of a sustained shushing sound…

Then even the shushing itself got quieter…

To the point that sometimes I was able to forget about it for hours at a time.

Today, it’s gone.

If I stand in a quiet room with my fingers in my ears and really concentrate I can find it still ringing in the back of my head…

But I have my life back. I have my peace back.

And now it’s your turn.

I’m ready to tell you how to banish the screaming monster from your head once and for all.

I thought that ending MY torturous head-ringing was the greatest thing I would ever experience…

But I was wrong.

Helping people like you to conquer your ”screaming monster”.

Being able to help hundreds, even thousands, of other Americans who are suffering in sound at the hands of an invisible demon…

THAT has been the greatest thing I’ve ever experienced.

I’d never even looked at the herbs Shizu had written down – as long as I had a bag full of them…

That was all that mattered to me.

But now I wanted to tell the world about my discovery.

I wanted all of the millions of people suffering from this to know what Shizu’s awful-tasting tea did for me…

But I also wanted to make it easier for folks like you to not only get your hands on it…

But take it without having to go through the lengthy ritual of brewing a giant vat of pungent, terrible-tasting tea…

I’m serious – you’ll want to gag with every sip…

I wondered if I could take Shizu’s concoction and simply put all the same herbs in an easy-to-swallow capsule…

So I went to the note she’d written down weeks earlier and decided to look them up, one by one, to see where I could find them…

And to learn just HOW they were able to deliver such sweet silence when every other thing I’d tried was a failure.

To my surprise, each of these ingredients is backed by solid, scientific research.

Most of them were used in double-blind, placebo-controlled studies.

The gold standard in scientific research.

And while none of the studies looked at ringing specifically…

They each provided a piece of the puzzle that, working together, were able to silence my ringing for good…

And today, I want to help you silence yours.

To restore your peace…

To give you your life and relationships back…

To help you lift the fog, clear your mind, and think without distractions again…

Enjoy concerts and ball games… dinners and parties…

To do all the things you used to love to do before the constant annoying ringing took away your freedom, threatened your very sanity – threatened your life.

That’s why I created this website

The results I personally experienced were so remarkable,

I felt like I had a moral obligation to share what I’d discovered with you…

But before I get into some of these ingredients, let me get some of the stuff out of the way, just so we are perfectly clear.

First of all, as you know, I am not a doctor. I’m just a regular person, just like you, and

I’m just telling you what happened from my own personal experience, and some of the other people who have tried it as well.

And while there are several reports, and studies supporting these claims,

these statements have not been evaluated by the food & drug administration, and this product is not designed to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease.

I know it may seem “weird” to even think about maintaining the health of your ears, but it is very important.

We go to the dentist every 6 months and brush our teeth every day, we get annual check ups with our doctors,

we exercise and try to watch our diet so that our body is fit and health, but what do we really do to maintain our ears?

Did you know certain foods can help you maintain your ear health?

Minerals found in your favorite foods can be beneficial for your hearing.

Just like calcium helps build strong bones, potassium, folic acid, magnesium and zinc can add another level of protection for your ears.

So you see, it’s not so crazy after all that taking certain supplements could really help you maintain your ear health.

So, without further ado, here are the tinnitus destroying ingredients that Shizu had written down…

The first one was Yan Hu Suo…

I’d never heard of it, but after doing some research, I found out that Yan Hu Suo is also known as corydalis…

Corydalis is in a family of flowers related to poppies, and no, this will not show up on a drug test, and is not a drug.

They like to grow in the high-altitude grasslands of China.

And when the roots are ground up and consumed, they can actually block the perception of pain in your brain’s sensory neurons.

Including the neurons inside of your inner ear.

What corydalis does, rather than repairing the injury or numbing the nerve…it actually helps prevent an injury from telling the brain to experience pain.

And let me tell you… what I had been experiencing for the last 6 years… went far beyond pain.

If that weren’t amazing enough, corydalis has been shown to help stop the breakdown of acetylcholine in the brain…

Acetylcholine is one of the most important brain chemicals when it comes to memory, thinking, learning and recall.

So it’s no wonder that, slowly but surely, my fog and malaise were lifting. I was thinking AND hearing clearer!

It’s also been shown to have mild muscle relaxing qualities… mild sedative qualities… and it helps reduce anxiety.

Perhaps you’ve heard that tinnitus can be caused by poor circulation?

Well, corydalis has you covered there too – it’s been shown to help with micro-circulation to the tiniest little blood vessels way down in your inner ear.

And, perhaps best of all, it’s 100% non-addictive and you cannot build a tolerance to it.

Acetylcholine is one of the most important brain chemicals when it comes to memory, thinking, learning and recall.

So it’s no wonder that, slowly but surely, my fog and malaise were lifting. I was thinking AND hearing clearer!

It’s also been shown to have mild muscle relaxing qualities… mild sedative qualities… and it helps reduce anxiety.

Perhaps you’ve heard that tinnitus can be caused by poor circulation?

Well, corydalis has you covered there too – it’s been shown to help with micro-circulation to the tiniest little blood vessels way down in your inner ear.

And, perhaps best of all, it’s 100% non-addictive and you cannot build a tolerance to it.

But that’s just the tip of the iceberg…

Because the next herb on the list was passionflower.

Like corydalis, passionflower has been shown to help relieve anxiety and restore calm.

It can even help you sleep.

And these things are key.

Because it may take a few days, maybe even a week or two, before you really start to notice a difference.

So, passionflower helps to take the edge off along the way. After all, a lack of deep, restful sleep only makes your problems even worse.

The next thing on Shizu’s list was California poppy seed.

You may be familiar with the poppy plant.

Partially because… you know… poppy seed bagels…

But also because poppies are the source of the highly addictive, opiate drug opium.

So let me be very clear.

The California poppy is, botanically, a true poppy…

But the California poppy seed it is not an opiate. And it is not addictive, 100% legal and does not show up on a drug test.

It’s actually been used to help people deal with opioid withdrawal symptoms and even PTSD.

It’s been used as a mild sedative, an anti-anxiety remedy AND a pain reliever.

And, like corydalis, it addresses pain by telling the brain to ignore it.

This, combined with corydalis creates an amazing effect on your body.

Next up is marshmallow root…

Not to be confused with s’mores and campfires, marshmallow root is an herb that grows in Europe, western Asia and northern Africa…

It’s been a folk remedy for centuries and it’s rich in antioxidant flavonoids shown to have anti-inflammatory properties.

It’s an immunostimulant, which means it’s good for your immune system…

And the sap within the marshmallow root herb coats and protects nerve endings providing relief to irritated or inflamed nerves.

Last but not least, is another unique ingredient known for having high levels of antioxidant flavonoids—the prickly pear.

Research shows that it can help reduce what scientists call excitotoxicity.

It’s when your nerve cells become over-stimulated and damaged from illness, stress, or imbalances in other brain chemicals.

Prickly pear reduces this excitotoxicity to “calm the brain”.

It’s also been shown to help prevent buildup of plaques on artery walls…

And, as we’ve learned, anything that helps maintain good circulation is a huge plus when it comes to maintaining healthy ear functioning.

I was beyond excited to learn just how and why Shizu’s tea was so powerful…

So effective for me, that nothing else even came close to being as good out of all the other things I’ve tried.

And you’ll be excited to know that I was also able to find a manufacturer who could assemble all of these ingredients for me…

You won’t need to find them yourself…

Or spend two hours brewing them into a funky, pungent mug of ill-tasting tea…

No, relief and a way to help healthy ear functioning will require just two, small, easy-to-swallow capsules a day…

I decided to call Sonic Solace.

Just think about what your life could look like in the next couple of weeks…

As the one big thing that’s been holding you back from enjoying life—from loving life—slowly releases its grips on you…

I’m telling you—whether you’ve been battling the screaming monster for five days or 30 years…

You’re going to want to go back and do things all over again as though they were brand new…

And they WILL feel brand new.

Because you’ll get to enjoy every experience from now on with the clarity and freedom you’ve been craving.

Helping people find freedom from their terrifying, agonizing situation is one of the greatest gifts life has ever offered to me.

And I wish I could give Sonic Solace away for free.

But I can’t.

I’m not Bill Gates or Elon Musk.

This entire journey was funded by my own modest savings…

And I accrued quite a bit of debt along the way.

So I’m really just trying to cover my costs here.

But, I’ll tell you, when the manufacturer looked at my formulation and read the research I’d accumulated…

They were amazed.

Because, I insisted that they use only highest-quality ingredient sources.

I wanted to be able to offer a solution that’s made here in the US, at a GMP certified, FDA-registered facility.

Everything needed to be gluten-free, sugar-free, and non-GMO.

My rep was like, “What are you going to charge people for this? I mean, this is going to become a really high-demand product…

I’ll bet you could charge $100, maybe $150 a bottle.”

And, you know what? I considered that.

I mean, how do you put a price on a discovery like this?

A discovery that succeeds where everything else failed…

A discovery that was nearly 6 years and thousands of dollars in the making…

A discovery backed by gold-standard research showing that…

This life-changing combination of ingredients can give you back your life, your freedom and your happiness…

I think $100 a bottle would be a totally fair price.

Wouldn’t you?

But I wanted to make sure anyone and everyone who needs it CAN get their hands on it.

Because I KNOW what you’re going through – I’ve walked in your shoes…

I wouldn’t wish this ordeal on my worst enemy.

And I want to keep this as affordable as possible.

So when I first created my formulation, I sent it to a small group of people who were suffering, just like I was in the past.

Some people I’d met through an online forum back when this all first started…

I offered it at just $79 a bottle.

And my first batch of 200 bottles disappeared literally overnight.

I was amazed.

I used to think the term “high demand” was just a marketing trick.

But I’ve never sold anything with such high demand.

Heck, I’ve never really sold anything but commercial real estate until now.

Remember, I’m not a doctor, I’m not a marketer…

When you think about the giant factories cranking out things like Tylenol or Centrum vitamins.

I don’t have access to any of that. Not even close.

After a few short weeks, people were already asking me for more.

So, with the money I made from that first batch, I was able to order a bigger batch of 500 bottles…

And it also meant I was able to drop the price quite a bit.

Gosh…when I think about what the last 6 years of living with my ear agony did to me…

I can’t even imagine what you’ve been through.

Visit after visit to the doctor’s office…

Trying every pill, protocol and treatment under the sun…

Maybe you even let them stab you in the ear with a giant syringe…

Only to be left once again disappointed, defeated and one step closer to the end of your rope.

Sonic Solace is the answer you’ve been searching for. And I’m proud that I can offer it to you at such an affordable price.

trial package

1 month supply

$59 per bottle

pay only $59
save $8

100% no-risk money back guarantee

best value

6 month supply

$39 per bottle

pay only $234
save $168

free shipping

2 free bonuses

100% no-risk money back guarantee

most popular

3 month supply

$49 per bottle

pay only $147
save $54

2 free bonuses

100% no-risk money back guarantee

$59 per bottle

pay only $59
save $8

100% no-risk money back guarantee

$39 per bottle

pay only $234
save $168

free shipping

2 free bonuses

100% no-risk money back guarantee

$49 per bottle

pay only $147
save $54

2 free bonuses

100% no-risk money back guarantee

And in just another minute I’ll tell you about my rock-solid guarantee that protects every penny of your investment.

Because, here’s the thing.

I noticed a slight difference in how I felt just moments after drinking Shizu’s tea,

but kind of shrugged it off since I was so used to things not working for me.

But it was a little more than two weeks before I noticed a lasting difference in the volume and intensity of the ringing in my ears.

So, I want to make you an irresistible offer…

AND a rock-solid promise…

Now, this offer is only for people who are serious about living a normal life again, restoring sweet silence and taking back control of their future…

And I know you’re one of those people.

Just imagine being able to finally able to get back to normal…

to be able to rest again peacefully…

to be able to focus on your work without that constant maddening buzzing…

it may seem like a distant dream to you, but in reality, it is literally only a few clicks of your mouse button away.

Now, I have to warn you, we have very limited supplies, and it is getting very difficult to source these ingredients during these difficult times we’re in right now.

So when you click that button that just popped up below this presentation…

you’ll see you can purchase 1, 3 or even 6 bottles of Sonic Solace.

I’ve even discounted the 3 bottle and 6 bottle selection even more to really encourage you to get as much as you can,

because I literally do not know how long it’s going to be when I’ll be able to restock the ingredients for Sonic Solace.

When you purchase 6 bottles, which most people do, you’re getting Sonic Solace for nearly 40% off.

And I’m doing this because I’d hate for you to get started on your first bottle…

Then run out of Sonic Solace just as you’re starting to notice an improvement.

And I know those this batch of 500 bottles is going to go at least as fast as the first batch of only 200…

Because now people know about Sonic Solace. And they know it works.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned about this whole endeavor…

It’s that, when something works this well, it tends to capture people’s attention.

The more people who order it…

The more people want to order more of it.

And I’m just a guy who wants to help people. I don’t have giant warehouses to store cases upon cases…

I'm working with the highest quality supplement manufacturer in the world, and placing an order of 500 bottles, doesn't make them a lot of money.

They have much bigger clients ordering their products at thousands of cases at a time.

So, basically they squeeze in my small requests, in between other runs, when they have the time.

That means, when this batch sells out, it could be a couple of months before I’m able to get my next batch produced.

Hopefully as Sonic Solace becomes more popular…

I’ll be able to compete with more of the “big dogs” and negotiate for bigger batches and faster turn-around times…

But for now, this is the best I can do.

So if the steep multi-bottle discount – nearly 40% off when you order six bottles – isn’t incentive enough…

I’m also going to through a few extra bonuses when you order 3 more bottles.

The first is an illustrated guide, called “Five Foods That Can Make Your Tinnitus Worse”,

which dives into how certain foods can actually make that horrible ringing in your ears… even worse.

The guide goes into the science behind it, and it is a must read for anyone suffering from Tinnitus.

We were shocked at what we uncovered. A $20 dollar value, yours free.

The second free gift, is another guide called “Stop the Stress, Secrets of a Stress Free Life”.

Take an in-depth look into what “stress” does to your body, and how it affects you on an emotional, and physiological level.

Learn secret techniques to help naturally reduce your stress and live a healthier, happier life. Another $20 dollar value, yours free.

I know times are tough, and I’ve cut my margins down as low as I can for you,

but if you can’t afford to pick up 6 bottles, or even 3,

please do yourself a favor and at least get 1 bottle,

and I can guarantee you that after you try it out for a few weeks, you’ll be emailing me thanking me that you did.

You simply take one capsule in the morning, and one before you go to bed, and let it work its magic.

You won’t have to worry about any annoying side effects like drowsiness, dry mouth, diarrhea…

and you certainly won’t have to go through what I went through, and have a needle shoved into your eardrum.

Then slowly, but surely, after a matter of a few days or so, you’ll start noticing the improvement.

Eventually, you’ll get to the point where you do not even notice it any longer.

Now, I know you may be skeptical still. That’s fine, I get it.

You’ve probably tried a bunch of the same things I did, and at this point, are feeling pretty jaded…

possibly on the verge of hopeless.

Again, please know that this might be your only opportunity to stock up for a while.

And just to make sure there’s nothing stopping you from giving Sonic Solace a try…

I told you I would make you an irresistible offer and a rock-solid promise.

Well, my promise is this:

If you are unhappy for any reason, we’ll refund you up to 90 days. No questions asked.

I know you’ve tried everything…

And I know you’re skeptical and wary of spending your money on yet another promising solution that fails…

So I’m giving you a full 180 days to try it… risk-free

I want to make sure you have plenty of time to put Sonic Solace to the test.

Without you having to waste your money on yet another failure.

So whether you order one bottle today or you make the smartest choice and choose six bottles…

Every penny of your investment is protected.

You really have nothing to lose…

But what if, Sonic Solace IS that one thing that helps give you your life back…

That silences the screaming monster…

That makes dining out fun again… that makes quiet, intimate conversations enjoyable again instead of a painstaking task…

That allows you to sleep, to dream, to do all of the things you love to do without the burden of ringing, buzzing, clicking, chirping…

Whatever nightmares your situation has been filling your life with…

They can all disappear in as little as a few weeks.

Of course, I have no way of knowing just how out-of-whack your “frayed wires” are.

And chances are, neither do you.

Let’s be honest, most of the doctors you’ve already seen don’t really know either.

They might push you to get an MRI or a qEEG or any number of high-tech, high-priced assessments…

Or you could spend what comes out to be as little as $1 a day and risk NOTHING

And let’s be honest here, we both know your doctor won’t give you a refund if his remedy their treatment doesn’t work…

And no one at Big Pharma is going to take your calls…

But I care. I care immensely.

Because I can relate to what you’ve been through. I’ve been through a lot of the same things.

That’s why I created Sonic Solace.

And that’s why I want you to be able to try it without spending a ton of money…

And without risking a penny of it.

Seriously. My guarantee cannot be overstated.

You don’t even need to tell me why you want a refund.

If you aren’t completely satisfied, I’ll give you back every penny.

You really have nothing at all to lose.

So go ahead and choose how many bottles you’d like below, and we’ll rush you your order.

You can rest assured knowing that your information is kept safe, private, and your order will be shipped discretely, direct to you.

But again, I can’t stress enough, our supplies are starting to dwindle down and it is getting more and more difficult to source these hard to find ingredients for sonic solace,

so I’m urging you to take action now, while we still have it in stock.

So tap that button below and order your risk-free supply of Sonic Solace now.

I’ll also be available for you every step of the way as well, if you have any questions or concerns.

So what are you waiting for? It’s time to take your life back!

Get started by ordering below while we still have some left!

Sonic Solace is the answer you’ve been searching for. And I’m proud that I can offer it to you at such an affordable price.

trial package

1 month supply

$59 per bottle

pay only $59
save $8

100% no-risk money back guarantee

best value

6 month supply

$39 per bottle

pay only $234
save $168

free shipping

2 free bonuses

100% no-risk money back guarantee

most popular

3 month supply

$49 per bottle

pay only $147
save $54

2 free bonuses

100% no-risk money back guarantee

$59 per bottle

pay only $59
save $8

100% no-risk money back guarantee

$39 per bottle

pay only $234
save $168

free shipping

2 free bonuses

100% no-risk money back guarantee

$49 per bottle

pay only $147
save $54

2 free bonuses

100% no-risk money back guarantee

Scientific References:

  • 1

    Tian B.,Tian M., Huang S.M. Advances in phytochemical and modern pharmacological research of Rhizoma Corydalis. Pharm Biol. 2020; 58(1): 265–275. doi: 10.1080/13880209.2020.1741651

  • 2

    Measuring Tinnitus | American Tinnitus Association, published 2015

  • 3

    Tinnitus habituation: How to tune out the ringing in your ears | Healthy Hearing, Glenn Schweitzer, published 2022

  • 4

    1 in 4 people projected to have hearing problems by 2050 | World Health Organization, published 2021